default civil judgment 15 years ago

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At age 16, you're considered a legal incompetent.
Your parents could have been sued, but not you.
You were a minor, immune from process and civil suits, with RARE exceptions. This wouldn't have been one.
But, it appears the dude somehow obtained a judgment.
Or, as you speculate, it could be a bluff to scare money out of you.
No one gets arrested for ignoring a civil lawsuit.
I'd say the lawyer is a very poor one at best, or it's a hoax.
I suggest you seek real legal advice from a NJ licensed attorney, or an attorney licensed to practice in the state in which you reside.
Whatever you do, DON'T Respond or communicate to this shyster.
Hire a lawyer, let the lawyer guide you.
Good luck.
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A legitimate debt collector CANNOT threaten to sue you if you don't comply, and they certainly CANNOT threaten you with arrest.

Seriously - do a Google search for the attorney. There are very severe penalties. NOT respond. Keep a copy of that paperwork.

This is for NJ:

This is for PA:

From where I'm sitting, they just might end up in a whole sea of legal trouble
Yes I've been trying to find one. I've talked to one and another tomorrow. I'm just trying to get multiple opinions on it.
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