Defamation Case?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: PA


We run a service business. A client called to set up services a few years ago and canceled services. We do a service consultation before to get the necessary information to perform the service (and also have the client sign a contract).

A few years later this client called to set up services. She pre-paid and services were performed 4 of the 5 days. The last day she assumed we'd be there at x time. When we didn't show up at x time she called and inquired why. We told her that we never set an actual time, but we call 20 min ahead of time so she can prepare for our arrival. This is how it was the other 4 days. We offered to come over but she declined and said don't bother. According to our cancellation policy, she is responsible for the full amount.

She complained to the BBB and we told them our side - case is still pending their official judgment (I guess whether or not it was resolved). The client is, and told us of, her depression issues - so she's not letting it go.

A note about the contract - somehow we do not have the signed copy that we gave her 2 years ago, but we do have a statement IN the contract and on our website that prior to using our services at any time, the client is bound to the most recent (updated) contract found on the website (since we cannot ask every client to sign a new contract each time we update it).

Anyhow...on to the slander...

We found out a few days ago she posted a review of our listing on yahoo (tinyurl(.)com/6dnekv) that she prepaid and never received any services - We can prove that we were there 4 of the 5 times. The 5th time, which is her complaint to the BBB is a he said she said and probably impossible to prove either way.

So, her review is a complete lie. Another person, who may have found our listing hoping to use our services, commented on the review and is not a client now. So I believe we clearly lost income and our image/name was slandered because of the client's comments. Not to mention all the potential clients who have seen the review but have not commented - but that might not be provable.

Do we have a case and if so how should we proceed? We contacted Yahoo about this, but I doubt they will do anything based on our word that we did provide services vs. her review claiming we never did any. The comments do breech the terms of usage, but we'll see if they do anything - likely to the account than the review.

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