Dating a minor - MA

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That is a thin and dangerous line you are walking………..For your sake stop ASAP. It could or would end up getting you into trouble. It is not worth it from a legal perspective………your life and career could end up in the hands of the law!
Legal? Yes, in the sense that there is no law against it.

Smart? No, it is incredibly stupid. ANYONE who sees the two of you together and who objects to seeing a 16 year old with a 24 year old, and who has any cause to suspect that you are doing anything with her except perhaps holding her hand as you cross the street, can report you to the authorities. And you do not want to go there, believe me.

And of course, if her parents object, that's the ball game and they can take legal means to keep you away from her. Trust me, they WILL win. There is NOTHING in the law that will force a parent to allow their minor child to see someone they do not wish her to see.

Not to mention the fact that it does not speak well of a 24 year old who is finding that a 16 year old is on his emotional level. And don't bother telling me how mature she is and how this is different; I've heard it all before and it isn't.
Dating is legal, sex or sexual contact with between a 24 yr old and 16 yr old is not and is a crime on almost all states. You need to be very careful here, you could find yourself being arrested and charged with sex misc. w/a minor or similar statute, depending on what the laws in MA are.
leave this child alone

i am 24 dating a 16 year old in MA she is still a virgin, that is legal right

are you that desperate for a gf that you date a 16 yr old child( and yes, legally that is what she is). my advice, find an adult to date, and stay away from this child, before you not only end up with a prison sentence, but also be known as a sex offender the rest of your life. but if you want to risk it, keep your pants zipped and your hands to yourself. anything that excites or arouses this child is most likely illegal. do not put your hands anywhere on her body. do no talk about things you want to do with her. do not allow her to put her hands on your body. if anyone (and i do mean ANYONE) sees you doing anything remotely considered inappropropriate, youre in trouble. such as kssing or touching, ANYTHING, like i said, that excites or arouses this child. youd be smart to leave her alone, and find an adult to date. if she was my daughter, you would not be allowed 1 foot near her. and if you did youd lose a very important body part
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