dad depositing gifts from my grandmother I'm 23.

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Ever since I was born my grandmother has sent a $10,000 annual gift to all her grandchildren. This money was always deposited into a custodial account for me-until my parents got divorced about 10 years ago. My father's mother was giving the gifts and at that point the checks stopped-or so we thought. I spent the money in the account on college tuition and living expenses with my father contributing to medical and other expenses as applicable according to his divorce aggreement with my mother.

I recently found out from my cousins that my grandmother never stopped sending the gifts and I confirmed this with my grandmother. She started sending the checks to my dad instead. The checks were always written in my name. I confronted my father and he said he had deposited the checks each year into his own checking account and had used the money to pay for expenses of mine. He did not know how much money it was and would not send me anything left over. As recently as two weeks ago my dad recieved a check from my grandmother in my name, failed to inform me, and deposited it into his own account. I'm now 23 years old. The only expenses he has covered in the last 10 years he was obligated to under his divorce settlement with my mother. Since i turned 18 I have covered all my college/living expenses using the original money in my custodial account and i am about to run out.

Do I have a right to recover the amount of all the checks over the last 10 years?
This is not legal Advice!

Hey, this is tricky as you quote: "As recently as two weeks ago my dad received a check from my grandmother in my name, failed to inform me, and deposited it into his own account. I'm now 23 years old".

No matter who sent me a cheque "In my name" and then someone else decided to cash it in there account without my consent, I would call the police because this is not only a matter of fraud it is also theft.

Ask you grandmothers advice as to how she would like to progress because after all it is her money that is being stolen and not reaching her desired place of destination.

I would 100% though if nothing is going to be done ask your grandmother if she wants to send you a financial gift in the future is to put it directly into your account.

Good luck with what ever you decide.

well I normally would have already filed a police report but I am not really interested in having my father thrown in jail. He claims that since he's paid way more than that in child support he is keeping the money. Not sure if I should pursue legal action or not.
This is not legal Advice!

I don't normally get cross but this makes me very cross, You were a Child brought into this world by your father "Not by choice" therefore It was his duty as a parent to help provide for you until such time you could look after yourself and a duty as a parent to direct you in the correct path in life.
It seems that at least he has done his job but on the other hand he dose not receive a medal for his efforts and should not be making you pay for his financial loses.
"Bad Dad" he should be ashamed.

I know you do not want to get him in trouble but what he is doing is wrong and you sure aswell know it.
Like I said have a word with Gran and ask her if she ever decides to send you money don't do it via your father because you will never see the money again!

Take care and don't let people walk all over you at the end of the day we are all equal in life and the quicker you understand that the better.

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