cyber bullying / sexual harrassment / sexting?

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New Member
A parent send a nude picture of a women with her legs spread to her 15 year old daughter on myspace, the child added my 14 year old daughters name to the picture and sent it to friends who sent it to other friends this was determined through the school system during an investigation 3 children were suspended for 3 days. I don't want to see 14 year old girls in legal trouble is there a way I can pursue the parent who thinks it is fine to send pornography to a minor without getting the children in more trouble?
Why don't you want to see 14 year old girls in legal trouble? Absolutely, the mother should bear the brunt of the blame--but you said it yourself in your title: your child has been bullied. And the children who did the bullying need to learn now that for every action there is a consequence.

You will be doing the young perpetrators a favor by allowing the juvenile justice system a crack at them before they move on to bigger and 'badder' things--and you'll definitely be doing a service to society at large.

The parents of these budding bullies need a heads-up as well. Have you given any thought to consulting an attorney about a possible civil suit against the responsible adults?
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