Custody/Visitation Rights

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New Member
My exgirlfried and I have separated from our relationship approximately 8 months ago. We also have a child who is 2year 3months old. After the separation, I was able to see the child at anytime and whenever I wanted. However, my ex moved further away from me to a new locale, which makes it totally impossible for me to see the child as offten as I did before. After finding out that the California law allows me to keep the child overnight after the child is 2 years of age, I attempted to discuss this with my ex. She refused to allow me to do this. She came up with excuses such as danger to a child, abuser, and having pornographic material on my computer sent to me via email from an unknown source. After being totally controlled by her for couple of months, without being able to settle our situation, I filed for visitation rights and request joint legal custody. I request that the child be allowed overnight stay with me after 3 years of age, but untill then, I request that I see the child 2-full days every other weekend and 1 1/2 day on my weeks in between. Because of my work schedule and the locale of my business in relation to her residence, I am requesting that on the "off" weeks I should be allowed to visit the child one time during the week for couple of hours and one full day during the weekend, at the convenience of my ex. This sort of visitation plane seems very fair to me. However, it does not seem to be very fair to her. I am reasonable to ask for such visitation schedule? Should she, or can I make her to provide me with some "reasonable accomodations" regarding my visitation schedule with the child?
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