Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks Credit Card Fraud - not knowlingy

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Im from Europe and would really appreciate if someone could help me/give advice on my issue.

I visited the States almost 10 years ago. While in the States, a friend of a friend from my country called me and asked me for a favor. He would order some electronics and stuff using a credit card and asked me if he could have the goods shipped to my address in the states where I was staying and if I could take the goods and bring them back to our country for him. It did not raise any suspicion so I agreed. The goods where delivered to my name and address in the States I provided him with. I brought the goods back and handed them over to him.

Only years later I found out from his exgirlfriend that he made orders using stolen credit cards which he got while staying in the States. I had no clue whotsoever when agreeing to have to goods shipped to my address in the States.

The thing is Im planning to visit the States this summer and I am kind of worried I could face some problems at the airport customs or with the authorities since the goods were delivered to my name.

I would really appreciate any kind of advice. What are they checking at the airport? Is there a way to find out if my name is listed in some kind of registry?

Thanks a lot in advance...
well if no one has been charged then the statute of limitaions may have passed. 10 years in most states. So that part depends on what state this was in. You can call the courthouse orPD in the state you were in and ask if you are wanted. If it were me I would stay home. Good luck.
Don't ask, don't tell.
If the jackbooted thugs, aka the police wanted you, you'd have already been arrested.

Save your money, stay on Europe. The USA sucks, we're almost bankrupt. Nothing to see or do here anymore. Lots of crime and bands of roaming criminals that will assault you and steal your stuff. The US isnt safe right now. Shhh, keep it hush-hush, it isn't in the news!!
Thanks a lot for your answers..

bluemann33: Unfortunately, the statute of limitations only applies in the case you are staying/residing in the given state during those 10 years. Since I have been living in Europe for the past ten years the statute might not be of much help to me.

Army Judge: Thanks for a funny answer:-) I wanna save money and thats why I wanna go to the States:-) Given the current low exchange rate for the dollar the States are dirt cheap.

Is there a way to get a lawyer over the internet who would find out more detailed information about my issue? I mean for a fee. Lawyers might have access to regsitries which are not open to public...or what do you think?
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Dude, I tried to warn you.
Our Homeland Security (sounds vaguely Hitlerish doesn't it), is out of control.
Who knows what criteria those Gestapo-like thugs use?

Take your money to India, Asia, or the South Pacific.

Save yourself. Don't risk coming to this land of beggars and thieves!

I'm trying to get outta here myself.
But, with the border controls, even US citizens have to bribe their way out.

I might be in big trouble for posting this.

The new Internet Police are always spying and arresting people. Don't risk it, and don't say I didn't try to warn you.
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