County Road Right-of-Way

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New Member
My question is, there is a boundary fence made of barbwire running along one edge of my property that has been up for a around 15 years or more. There is no livestock in question here. There are survey markers at each corner of the fence. The neighbor had a driveway easement long side of the fence for a house which was built for his daughter. He had the county annex the easement into a county maintained road, the easement for the county road is 30', 15' from the center of the road. The distance from the center of the road to the fence is between 1' to 15'. I have asked my neighbor to remove portion of the fence that the easement emproches my property for a ingress and egress to the county road with negative resultes.

Can I remove the portion of fence that is within the easement for the county road even if it is a boundary fence? Both properties have been surveyed with survey markers in place. I do not want to remove the markers just the portion of fence that prohibits me from access to the county road.

The neighbor is prohibiting me from utilizing a county road from my property.
I live in Kentucky.
You might to discuss this with your county commissioner (or other elected county official) before you do anything.

A word of caution: forget remedies involving self help.
They generally end poorly for the actor (that would be you)!
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