Convicted murderer receives HUGE civil suit award!

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army judge

Super Moderator
I remember this horrific crime.
It happened 20 years ago in Cook County, IL.

Two useless thugs bumbled a robbery at closing time of a fast food chicken joint.
They herded a half dozen employees into a walk in cooler, tempers flared, the murderers killed all of the workers.

Eventually police nabbed the two thugs who got away with 2,000 bucks after killing six people.

Fast forward a few years, both dudes were convicted and confined to an Illinois penal colony.

A disturbance kicks off, corrections officer has to punch the killer :dgrin to quiet the situation.

CO said he was in fear of death, and the killer gets beat up badly. :eek:

The kicker: Illinois civil court jury awarded the killer $225,000 in damages for the beating. :rolleyes:

The taxpayers of Cook County are on the hook for that debt.

The poor CO got stuck with a punitive award of $226,000 owed to the poor killer.

The thug will live out his reminding days in relative comfort, no worries about commissary for him now. :nuts
An article on that was in our area paper today.
Proof positive that "convicted killer" does not equate to "it's okay to assault me because well, I'm here in the first place...".

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