Contributing to the delinquency

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New Member
My wife and I have taken custody of her niece. The mother and step-father are alcoholics and were abusive to the children. After a public incident involving DUI and battery charges the State of Colorado removed the children from the home. After a year of trying to get custody of both kids we were granted custody of the oldest and the youngest was returned to the home. The Dept of Human Services pushed to reunite the children with Mom even after Urinalyis exams were failed. We have recently discovered that Mom and step-father was using drugs in the presence of the children for years and that they showed them how to shoplift. This has continued into our nieces life and we are working to stop all the bad habits that her "mother" has taught her. Is there any way that we could have the youngest child removed and placed in our custody based on past behaviors or do we just sit and wait til he is taken from her again and allow another child to be taught bad habits in the meantime.
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