Continuous false allegations


New Member
New Jersey
I had an open CPS case because somebody called them while I was pregnant and they claimed I was abusing prescription drugs and abusing my toddler. I took all the drug tests they asked for (5 to be exact) and passed every one, me and my husband completely cooperated with them through the whole process. They didn't close the case even though they had nothing left to investigate. Kept telling us we would get a letter in the mail and it never came. Then our baby was born and they said they had to come by one last time and check the house out THEN they would close the case. Still no letter!

Then a couple weeks later we get another knock on the door and it's them AGAIN! Somebody called once again claiming I was drunk (I don't drink), abusing my children and my prescription pills. So my question are they able to keep coming if they continuously keep finding the allegations to be false? And since my case still hasn't been closed, are they going to have to do the whole process over again since there was another call? Why can't they get the person/s who call and take some kind of legal action for them making false reports? Somebody has it out for me and I can't imagine who would say these things about me. Is there anything I am missing that I can do to defend my children and myself?
If someone makes a report, they are obligated to follow up. To write it off because at some prior point allegations could not be substantiated would be incredibly irresponsible.