Confidentially compromised?????

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New Member
Can anything be done about my email being compromised by an employee of a news paper that supports a message board? I have participated on the Lexington Herald Leader message boards for two years. Recently a poster included the email address that I used for registration purposes in a post just to let me know that he had my email address. This email address was created for the sole purpose of registering for this message board and was never used for anything else. What are my options? Do I have any recourse? Who do I report this to?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Are you telling me that an employee of the newspaper site hosting the message board compromised your email address by posting it publicly? If so, that's absurd and stupid.

IMHO, you are best served by printing out the post and sending a letter/fax/email to someone with legal authority or in a position of power at the newspaper. There should be a terms of use that has a name and address for disputes and copyright notices. Send it there. If you really want to get your point across with emphasis you can look in the TOU, privacy policy and registration form that guarantees your privacy and security of your private information. I guarantee that this breach will not be tolerated. Good luck.
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