Personal Bankruptcy Commercial Landlord Defrauded me

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New Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Los Angeles, California

I am currently suing my ex landlord who really was not my landlord legally because when he leased me the space that space did not legally exist in the city records and he filed for bankruptcy which he did not tell me about. I never occupied the space and after suing him for the monies he owes me (over $70K), his lawyer is trying to settle for pennies on the dollar. My question is should I pursue suing him for fraud and what kind of lawyer do I need to go further? The reason I need to sue him for fraud is because he knew he filed for bankruptcy and he never told me, he leased me a space that did not exist in city's records, he took my monies and ran with it.
You should pursue suing him if you think you will be able to collect more than the settlement amount currently being offered.

You might not need a lawyer if you can do it in small claims, and that depends on the small claims limit in your state. If you do need a lawyer, you need a civil litigation lawyer.
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