Collecting on a Judgement

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New Member
I live in the state of North Carolina; I recently took a friend to court for failing to pay on a credit card that I allowed her to use for specific items. She in turn charged more than agreed upon and I was stuck with the bill of $4,000.00. A judgement was charged against her. How can I go about collecting my money for this debt. I also appreciate any other advice, except for not to loan my card out again.:( Thank you very much.

Unfortunately we tell this story here quite frequently -- this site was founded after the realization of the lack of satisfaction that small claims court can bring to a plaintiff once it comes time for execution of the judgment. First thing to do is have information subpoenas and restraining orders sent out. You cannot do this, only an attorney, judge, or other such officer of the court can -- such as through the small claims clerk, usually for a dollar or two. If you know or suspect where the individual has an account, you should send them. The money will be restrained until you go to the marshall to enforce collection. Long process -- I know. :( You will then stick the costs of collection to the defendant by including them in the amount the marshall removes from the defendant's account.

We'll have forms for some of these procedures online by the first week of next year. :)
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