I live in Tennessee and had a joint savings account open with my uncle and I. It was my money, but just listed him on there incase something happend. A little over a month ago in August I closed the account without his knowledge like it even mattered(the account was worded "wayne(my unce) or Ryan(me)"). Well now he is in a large child support battle and is trying to get half of the money in the account. He said he has talked to a lawyer and they said he is entitled to his share of the money, but i think he is just trying to scare me. I have no proof that it was all my money for i deposited it in cash. Is it possible for him to take me to court and get half of the money? The bank had him on the account as the primary person, but they said that I had all the rights that he did. They also said that it was whoever came and closed it out first was entitled to it. Thanks for the information, Ryan