civil rights

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New Member
a prosicutor in indiana told me that they have the right to do as they see fit where child support is concerned with or against the constitution is this true
I don't know about that, but the Indiana guidelines allow for the judge's discretion in determining the amount of the obligation:

*Flexibility Versus the Rebuttable Presumption.**
Although application of the Guideline yields a figure that becomes a rebuttable presumption, there is room for flexibility.* Guidelines are not immutable, black letter law.* A strict and totally inflexible application of the Guidelines to all cases can easily lead to harsh and unreasonable results.* If a judge believes that in a particular case application of the Guideline amount would be unreasonable, unjust, or inappropriate, a finding must be made that sets forth the reason for deviating from the Guideline amount.* The finding need not be as formal as Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law;* the finding need only articulate the judge's reasoning.*
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