Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft civil demand notice

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New Member
Hi, I recently was stopped at a grocery store and given a civil demand notice (I allegely ate potstickers while I was shopping, and therefore they weren't paid for). I have to pay them $50, there were no police involved and I was told that under Title 8.01 of the Code of Virginia, section 44.4, the store can handle it this way instead of pressing charges or getting the police involved. My question is, can this be found when schools do a background check on me? I am a teacher.

(edited to remove name of store to protect your privacy)
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If you pay the civil demand, and stay out of that store (I'm sure they told you were banned); this whole thing will be your DIRTY, LITTLE SECRET.

The police weren't called, so no public record exists, YET, of this incident.

Pay them their lousy FIFTY BUCKS (using a money order), stay out that store, don't be as stupid as you allegedly were again, and no one will be the wiser, EVER!
I have worked as a Retail theft professional for many years now and as told above the school will not find out. the only way they could is if you or someone lese tells them or if the school (very doubtful) belongs a retail theft database and so does store that stopped you. Pay the Civil demand keep your mouth shit and you should be fine
The store "could" report to this a retail theft database that member companies can report to & check. However; it is very unlikely that a school would be a member of a retail theft database & I doubt you will be applying to a retail store for employment. You should be ok if you pay the $50.00 requested. Next time be sure to pay for anything you eat while shopping.
Be careful it doesn't go into collections and show up on your credit report, they may see it that way. definately not worth dodging $50 debt
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