child support

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New Member
my ex-wife got custody of our kids-bran17-sissy14, and kaitlin13. she gets 780.00 a month, but the kids are living with me. she told them to go live with me, i have had them for the last six months. i want them to stay with me, as she lives with her boyfriend, and the girls are afraid of him. my son has never lived with her.she provides nothing for them. i was told to get a lawyer, and get them back, but my take home pay is only 250.00 a week. i can barely feed them, and make sure they have a place to sleep.what can i do?
you should be contacting child support enforcement to see how you can dtop the child support but if the kids are with you, go down to the family court and see about filing for custody. you should be able to sue her in small claims to get your child support back,.
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