Child Support

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New Member
I was just wondering if I could file a civil suit for child support. My ex only paid $150 a month for 2 children for 9 years. ( The $150 child support was agreed to at our divorce in return for no more court proceedings) She is recently trying to get custody of my children that are now 16 and 13. In the process of agreeing to a shared custody and no child suport she is going back on her word and trying to get support now.

Can I go file a suit to get back and try and get the difference in child support that would have actually been owed? I am in Kansas.
All she is required to pay is what was agreed upon in the divorce so I do not see how you could legally go back for more support when you agreed to it in the divorce. You can certainly argue that a change of custody is not in the childrens best interest. Do you have an attorney? You can also file a modification fo support from here on out.
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