Consumer Law, Warranties charging for service not accepted by client

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New Member
I have a question regarding an accountant that I had interviewed to see if I was interested in working with and she took my 1099's but nothing else and put my name into the computer for an easy file; She has done nothing else. She in no way gave me a price quote or had me sign anything saying I would be doing business with her. I made no agreement with her. I have decided to not use her as my accountant but she is trying to charge me for work the work she did which was only puting my name and 1099s in the irs system. IS this legal considering I never agreed to use her verbally or formally?
Why did you give the accountant your information if you did not want hire them? You owe them for the work they did but you can release them at any time. It's call quantum meruit or pay for the quantity of work. You gave the CPA your 1099's so one might assume that you had an understanding for them to do work.

That's like me taking my car to a mechanic to get an estimate, leaving it with him over night, and being upset that he fixed it and wants to be paid the next day.
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