Personal Bankruptcy chapter 7 property exemptions

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New Member
I recently had a 6 day stint un the hospital for pneumonia for which I received a whopping $40,000 bill (no insurance). Don't have a lot of options. I know under the means test I more than qualify for chapter 7, but I'm confused about what property I would get to keep. I don't own much, a 3 year old widescreen tv, a computer, laptop, just a couple of pieces of furniture. My car is worth only about $2,000. My biggest concern is I have a fairly extensive dvd collection, something that has taken me years to collect and has about 300 dvds. The exemptions dance around such items. In Minnesota I know I can use federal exemptions if I choose to and one of those is this:
"Wildcard, Up to $8,725 of unused homestead exemption, for any property"
I don't own a home or any property property. Could this be applied to my belongings? I'm pretty sure it would more than cover the value of what I own but I don't know if they are talking about personal belongings or not. Thanks for any info.
No one is going to want your DVD'sd or your furniture for that matter unless you still owe $$ on the furniture -- conatct a bk7 attorney and start the process-- If you owe your car free and clear and it is your only car they will not take that either.
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