changing legal guardianship in New York State

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New Member
I need to know the best and fastest way of going about what I need to do. We are trying to get my 15 year old daughter into a different school district in New York State. She would be living with my sister in the next town. We contacted the school that she would be going to and was told my sister needs legal guardianship to do this. How do we go about doing this? and what is usually the cost involved and the time frame for getting this done. All parties involved in this consent(parents,daughter and aunt/uncle). If we could move I would do so.....but that isn't something we can do now. My daughter is sick of harrassment at school that nothing is ever done about....she cannot take it anymore and will be dropping out when she is 16...which is in 6 months....or maybe even before if we cannot do something to help her situation. Please help me.....thank you...Jennifer M
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