cfs reports

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New Member
I have my 2 daughters in foster care and the cfs worker has done nothing but lie and put false accusations about me and my family in case reports is this right
Do you have proof?

Did you discuss your concerns with the worker or the worker's supervisor? Did you ask if you might have a different case worker?
I have my 2 daughters in foster care and the cfs worker has done nothing but lie and put false accusations about me and my family in case reports is this right

I'm going to be as clear as I can in asking this question, okay?

Is this worker reporting things s/he has been told, or has otherwise formed an opinion about?

Or is the worker blatantly telling lies? If so, what is the nature of said lies?

(I'm going in a certain direction here)
Well she reported that I had stopped attending my groups I asked to see my progress reports she handed me one and said the rest were done over the phone i showed her my sign in sheets she said those dont mean anything its what the program manager says so i went down and i got my attendance proving i was going except when i had a baby at that time she went on to accuse me of not going to counseling so i asked o to see the attendance record for counseling she gives me one and says the rest done over phone and the problem with the attendancr for counseling is that it starts july 26 2012 and goes to april 30 2013from october 19 - january 16 i was in a 90 rehabilitaion centand when i returned i went and continued my counseling what has me puzzled is that it sats i missed my last 7 appointments i went back to counseling one week after having a csection on april 12 and my counseling is once a week so i would have to not gone at all in april or march and u know u did she also says because i am a lier and inconsistent i will not get my children back
So the problem is that the center cannot document your attendance?

I suggest you get an attorney - your posts are almost incoherent.
I am sorry if my posts seem incoherent. I have a lot going on my dad recently had a lot of health issues and was hospitalized for almost a month. This month h would have taken guardianship over my daughters. I live in a very small town in California, we are part of san bernardino county unless we live closer to the city we have limited resources. I do have a court appointed attorney but there is no communication between us expect 10 minutes before court. I can not afford an attorney at this time. The problem i have is with the center and counseling. I got proof that i was attending the center except time off for having a baby. An counseling it looks like they are including the time I spent in the rehab center. Ok now the problem is that was my second chance because i Dr miss a lot of groups prior to entering rehab so even though i wad 8-9 months prego i still went and for them to turn around and accuse me of not going really upsets me. Also this isn't the only issue they accuse me of having a chronic history with drugs and alcohol when I don't my daughters are going up for permanent placement on September19 is s there anything i can do about sw there is a lot more also but won't go into detail
You need an attorney.

That's really the only way you'll get out of this mess (and even then, it sounds like you've already been given a chance and you didn't follow the requirements).
I don't know what more we can tell you. You need more help than we are able to give you. An attorney, as noted, might be able to do something for you. Good luck.
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