Certified Letter Signature

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In a certified demand letter, is it legal for the wife to write the letter for her spouse and then sign her husband's name as the official signature? In otherwords, can one spouse legally sign the other spouse's name or does it require the actual person's signature?
In a certified demand letter, is it legal for the wife to write the letter for her spouse and then sign her husband's name as the official signature? In otherwords, can one spouse legally sign the other spouse's name or does it require the actual person's signature?

Give us facts and details.
A person received a certified demand letter from a person whom they are in dispute with over a bill supposedly owed. The return address was John Doe, etc. However,
the letter was handwritten in Mrs. John Doe's handwriting. The letter was signed John Doe but it was not John Doe's signature (as they are familiar with both Mr. and Mrs. Doe's signatures from previous correspondence. It was obviously Mrs. Doe who had written the letter and signed John Doe's signature to the letter. They don't know if Mr. John Doe is even aware that the demand letter was sent. Can Mrs. Doe write a demand letter from John Doe and sign John Doe's name?

The disputed bill is from Mr. John Doe's shop. Mrs. John Doe's name is not on the name of the business. ex. "John's Bicycle Shop".

Needless to say this person doesn't really care for Mrs. Doe and hopes she screwed up but all opinions aside, they need to know the legal and correct answer.

Q: Can Mrs. Doe write a demand letter from John Doe and sign John Doe's name?

A: Sure. Such folks are called secretaries.
So a secretary can compose any type of correspondence she chooses, designate it as being from her boss and sign his name to it?

That seems like the boss would be leaving himself wide open to all sorts of problems.
So a secretary can compose any type of correspondence she chooses, designate it as being from her boss and sign his name to it?

That seems like the boss would be leaving himself wide open to all sorts of problems.

Happens millions of times a day in this country.
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