


I bought a used car from someone off Craigslist when I test drove the car it drove great there was a loud noise he said it was the exhaust i looked under the car n saw it did need tightened up so i.paid him the car he have me the title and drove on my way hom.e it broke down 20 miles THE TIMEING BELT BROKE the noise it was maiing when i test drove it was cominh from that area SO IT WAS NOT THE EXHAUST
I let them know.thry have offered to come look at it THEY have made excuses n now sat they don't have to give me my money back

So most likely it bent a rod n the motor is shot

He said he didn't know it was the time in belt which they did say they replaced it n it was to big n had to put different one on
So what can I do
Another tale of woe from some poor soul foolish enough to buy a car off Craigslist...

And in your case more foolish than most since the car was already making noise, you ignored it and handed over your money anyway.

You can't do anything. Private party sales of used cars are "as is" unless you had something in writing to the contrary.

All you CAN do is learn a lesson from your mistake and don't make the same mistake again.
KILLERSLIST, oh the hearts it has broken, the lives it has taken, and the fools it has SCAMMED.
