Cannot use Prenupt, Caholic, what other options?

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New Member
I'm in the process of getting married but there are a few burning questions I have and is not sure about. Any help would be greatly appreciated..

  1. My fiancee is catholic and therefore we cannot draw up a prenuptial as the catholic church will not wed us.
  2. I have a number of foreign investments in South Africa and need to understand to what extend the US have jurisdiction over those assets if we do get divorced.
  3. What other options do I have besides setting up a family trust to protect those assets in case we do get divorced if a prenuptial is out of the question.
  4. In South Africa they have another option which is a BK (not sure what the US counterpart is)
  5. Any other advice or suggestion on how to protect myself without a prenuptial?

Thanks in advance...
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