Can You Lose Your Life Estate?

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New Member
My father passed away without a will and left behind a wife of six months and me, his biological son. She assumes a life estate in his homestead home, even though she never lived there, --they maintained separate homes-- and 1/2 interest in the estate by Florida intestate law.

There is not very much equity in the home and she can't afford to maintain the home. She wants me to give her money or something to walk away, but there's nothing really there to give her. The house needs extensive repairs, including a new roof, immediately. If she were to rent the house out, she would have to spend too much money to get nothing but coverage for the mortgages. If she stops paying for the bills and taxes, when can I, as the remainderman, come in and sue for waste or reclaim the home? I would rather spend my money getting the home up to speed than making a deal with her on a home she can't afford to maintain. I would have to essentially pay bakc mortgage and taxes either way. What can I do?
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