Can this be considered Libel?

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New Member
Okay, I posted a comment on someone's post on Facebook. The post was talking about a particular person. I said "Eric is a piece of shit." and "Fuck Eric _____" in two different comments. Everything I said is true. And I would like to know if he has recourse to sue. Or file charges or what have you.
Okay, I posted a comment on someone's post on Facebook. The post was talking about a particular person. I said "Eric is a piece of shit." and "Fuck Eric _____" in two different comments. Everything I said is true. And I would like to know if he has recourse to sue. Or file charges or what have you.

Without boring you with a definition of libel, I'll simply state that you failed to commit libel against that "piece of XXX, Eric".

Seriously, what you did wasn't libel.

He could always sue you.

However, if things are as you describe, he won't prevail in a lawsuit against you for libel.
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