Can Spam Act


New Member
US Federal Law
I hope that I am inserting this thread in the right category. I have a question regarding the Can Spam Act and harvesting emails. My question is, according to the law, is harvesting emails breaking the Can Spam Act or is this considered an aggravating circumstance that could enhancing sentencing? Here is the text in question:

(2) REQUIREMENTS.--In carrying out this subsection, the Sentencing Commission shall consider providing sentencing enhancements for-- (A) those convicted under section 1037 of title 18, United States Code, who-- (i) obtained electronic mail addresses through improper means, including- (I) harvesting electronic mail addresses of the users of a website, proprietary service, or other online public forum operated by another person, without the authorization of such person; and (II) randomly generating electronic mail addresses by computer; or (ii) knew that the commercial electronic mail messages involved in the offense contained or advertised an Internet domain for which the registrant of the domain had provided false registration information; and...

The entire text can be found here. I read this as an aggravating circumstance that could enhance sentencing. However, like every other topic, the Internet has mixed opinions on this issue. The text seems pretty clear. However, I am probably missing something.

I understand that harvesting emails is never a good thing to do. That isn't in question. But does the Can Spam Act makes the act of harvesting emails a crime? Thanks.
My question is, according to the law, is harvesting emails breaking the Can Spam Act or is this considered an aggravating circumstance that could enhancing sentencing?

If you believe something is illegal, wouldn't it be better for you just to refrain from the action?

No need to answer, the question was rhetorical.

As regards your question, courts decide legality.

The best way to avoid standing before the bar of justice is simply obey all laws.

In simple speak, don't ouch the envelope.

I'm just an internet nobody.

If you wish to receive legal advice, hire a layer, then you can proceed with some impunity.

Read this:

Legal Disclaimer: The content appearing on our website is for general information purposes only. When you submit a question or make a comment on our site or in our law forum, you clearly imply that you are interested in receiving answers, opinions and responses from other people. The people providing legal help and who respond are volunteers who may not be lawyers, legal professionals or have any legal training or experience. The law is also subject to change from time to time and legal statutes and regulations vary between states. It is possible that the law may not apply to you and may have changed from the time a post was made. All information available on our site is available on an "AS-IS" basis. It is not a substitute for professional legal assistance. Before making any decision or accepting any legal advice, you should have a proper legal consultation with a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client privilege. For purposes of New York and New Jersey State ethics rules, please take notice that this website and its case reviews may constitute attorney advertising.
That article answers your question in full. If you're trying to determine whether you're free and clear to harvest emails without legal liability then we can't answer the question. For example, this website's terms of use prohibit email harvesting. Should you do so, you would have civil liability to the owners of this website. States may have enacted their own anti-spam laws and regulations. And then there are the terms of service which provide you access to the Internet. The specific facts and circumstances dictate how to answer legal questions.
That article answers your question in full. If you're trying to determine whether you're free and clear to harvest emails without legal liability then we can't answer the question. For example, this website's terms of use prohibit email harvesting. Should you do so, you would have civil liability to the owners of this website. States may have enacted their own anti-spam laws and regulations. And then there are the terms of service which provide you access to the Internet. The specific facts and circumstances dictate how to answer legal questions.
Thank you!