can my husband legaly adopt my daughter?

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I was wondering if my husband can legaly adopt my daughter without the biological fathers permission. Her biological father is a few thousand dollars behind in child suport, and has been in and out of jail since she was born. He was found guilty of excaping jail ( he ran from the police in handcuffs) he has been in jail for 8 months now waiting for trial for grand larsony and probation violation On fellony offence. With his probation violation he has 7 years hanging over his head. He hasnt done anything to help support our daughter since she was born. Does my husband have a chance at legaly adopting her because her biological father will not sign the consent? Thankyou
Only if Bio Dad agrees. However if you offer to forgive him for any arrears he owes in child support he might be more willing
I was wondering if my husband can legaly adopt my daughter without the biological fathers permission. Her biological father is a few thousand dollars behind in child suport, and has been in and out of jail since she was born. He was found guilty of excaping jail ( he ran from the police in handcuffs) he has been in jail for 8 months now waiting for trial for grand larsony and probation violation On fellony offence. With his probation violation he has 7 years hanging over his head. He hasnt done anything to help support our daughter since she was born. Does my husband have a chance at legaly adopting her because her biological father will not sign the consent? Thankyou

An adoption is much ado about nothing.
What your husband can do, if he's willing is love you and your daughter.
By loving the child, he can also be the dad that she will never have.
No pretty piece of legal paper will permit him to love the little girl.
If he's doing dad stuff, he's already her dad.
You're her mom, and you seem to love her.
She's a lucky little girl, and she has a great family and a dad.
Just go with that, and stay out of the court system.
You don't need some silly old man or woman wearing a black robe to say your hubby can love your child.
An adoption is much ado about nothing.
What your husband can do, if he's willing is love you and your daughter.
By loving the child, he can also be the dad that she will never have.
No pretty piece of legal paper will permit him to love the little girl.
If he's doing dad stuff, he's already her dad.
You're her mom, and you seem to love her.
She's a lucky little girl, and she has a great family and a dad.
Just go with that, and stay out of the court system.
You don't need some silly old man or woman wearing a black robe to say your hubby can love your child.

but will need that paperwork for any legal issues which can include support, custody, visitation and more. If anything happens to OP then Bio Dad not Step Dad will be next in line for custody
In va are you allowed to forgive child support debt? And how would I go about starting this prosess of my husband adopting her if that is what we decide to do after weighing the options? And agail thankyou all for your help!
No, it is not a dead issue at all.

The courts can terminate Dad's rights as part of a stepparent adoption even if Dad objects.
In va are you allowed to forgive child support debt? And how would I go about starting this prosess of my husband adopting her if that is what we decide to do after weighing the options? And agail thankyou all for your help!

I recommend you discuss this with your loved ones, family members, and trusted friends.
You should then speak with three or four local lawyers in your county.
You might also wish to discuss this with a family therapist or psychologist.
What you could embark upon will be a very difficult task for your family.
Ask your family, friends, co-workers, trusted confidantes for attorneys they have used and trust.
This is far too complex and important topic to trust to people you don't know, or professionals you aren't paying.
That said, you have been given the basics, now go huddle with your hubby, and decide what the TWO of you wish to do.
Then set upon that path.
Good luck, whatever you may decide.
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