can I void my lease its missing signature

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We leased a place until 12/09, we talked to the landlord because we had the oportunity to buy a home. The wife was fine with it and told us it would be no problem, the husband then contacted us saying no. We signed the papers on our house because she approved this, now they have become hostile to the point that we can not even be in our yard with out some type of accelerated reaction from them. We pulled our lease out to see if there was anything in it to help us out and discoved it was missing the required signature of a co-signer in order to bind the lease. We were told by a friend that with out the signature and that we have taken residence we are only binded to a month-month not the year. Is that correct? Also, this is a carbon from the original lease.
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Pamela - does it say on you lease that without the required signature the lease is considered non-enforceable?
I will have to check, but if it does not say that and we were told we needed a co-signer to meet their criteria (no rental history because new to area) in order to lease, are we binded to this?
You are still bound by the lease terms. Here is what I think is happening - your landlord approved you (the co-signing requirement is not really a deal breaker; they just wanted guarantees that you would be able to pay the lease for the duration) so you won't be able to get out due to a missing signature. Now, the fact that they have become hostile, that is just them not handling well your intentions to move out prior to the expiration of the lease. Unfortunately, your options are not many however, since you have now bought your own place, it is best to just give them notice that you will be breaking the lease early (do it in writing) and that you will pay the penalties for doing so as per your lease agreement (check your lease agreement to see what those are).

Good luck to you!
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