Can I recoup lost commissions due to IC fraud?


New Member
Hello. I'm new to this site so I hope I am posting this in the correct spot.......

I own a home based travel agencies with ICs in other states. After a, now former, IC breached her contract and was terminated, she contacted a supplier misrepresenting herself as the client and had some bookings transferred away from my agency and back to the supplier causing my agency to lose the commissions. Is there a way on my taxes I can try to recoup (deduct) this amount?
Hello. I'm new to this site so I hope I am posting this in the correct spot.......

I own a home based travel agencies with ICs in other states. After a, now former, IC breached her contract and was terminated, she contacted a supplier misrepresenting herself as the client and had some bookings transferred away from my agency and back to the supplier causing my agency to lose the commissions. Is there a way on my taxes I can try to recoup (deduct) this amount?

If you didn't receive the commissions, why do you think it impacts your tax liability?

I suggest you discuss your ax issues with the IRS, a CPA, or a tax attorney.