Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Can I get charged for this?


Robert Carter

New Jersey
My question involves criminal law for the state of: New Jersey

My friends and I were at my friends dorm and the residential director came in and informed us that we would be conducting a vacancy inspection for the upcoming student who will be occupying the room. During the inspection he informed us that he observed some sort of residue on the desk which he believed to have been heroin.

As soon as he promulgates this two our of friends leave. (The RD makes no attempt to find the other two people who were with us when this all transpired.) The police come and investigate the nature of the residue and verifies it to be tobacco. She then arbitrarily searches the remainder of the common area which is strictly prohibited since none of the residents are present to give consent. They find two cigarillos and some bags in the trash can. We all get arrested and brought to the station. The bags they brought with them tested negative for THC.

My question is:

>Can I be held accountable for the contents of a trash can that is in a house that doesn't belong to me?
> How are cigarillos and bags deemed drug paraphernali?

Thank you saw
No one can predict what the police or prosecutor might do.

However, the university is probably going to expel all of you.

If you are charged with a crime, remain calm, admit to nothing, decline to discuss the charges or the case with any police officer, appear in court, plead not guilty, and ask for a public defender.

If charges are lodged, for your own sake, stay out of additional trouble.

If one or ally you have drug abuse issues, check yourself into a rehab facility, ASAP.

By doing that, you could avoid any university administrative sanctions, such as expulsion.

If you are asked to name the other actors, you simply say, "I'm sorry, but I am exercising my right to remain silent. I will be contacting my attorney."

Now the tricky part cometh.
Many tricks will be used to get you to break your code of silence, keep repeating the mantra I've revealed above.

If you're asked for identifying information: name, date of birth, address, etc... Politely provide same, but be vigilant for TRICK questions leading into the case, and repeat the mantra. Remain calm, be polite, and cooperate when you can.
>Can I be held accountable for the contents of a trash can that is in a house that doesn't belong to me?

Theoretically, yes.

> How are cigarillos and bags deemed drug paraphernalia?

Viewed separately in a non-suspicious way, they aren't.

Viewed together with other suspicious factors, plastic baggies hold drugs and cigarillos can be filled with marijuana to make a blunt.

You need a lawyer.
Since you were arrested, you might consider talking to a lawyer.