Criminal Law Can I get caught?

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I have been thinking of moving to a west coast state from a midwest area and was wondering what the particulars are to being picked up. I am running from my 4th DUI and about 4 years in prison, There are many reasons of which I dont want to go into right now. I also have been thinking about a passport and fleaing to another country. I have a few friends in IRELAND. Can i get some serious advice.
I am 30 and am completely scared right now. thanks
Hi Bartender,

Your Quote: I have a few friends in IRELAND. Can i get some serious advice.
I am 30 and am completely scared right now. thanks.

Umm, How to answer without sounding like a school teacher here?

You see you can run but you can't hide, "what if" this is the real question you have to ask yourself.
Example: You run to Ireland, you get caught there for something silly, they run you through the Interpol computer and your charges flag up. Do they throw the book at you because you are a wanted criminal and after that deport you back to the USA? Then in your passport you have a Deportation stamp!! Try and fly somewhere then.

Yes, of course you are scared that is a natural reaction of how you are picturing your out come. If it was not scary then people would be queuing up to go to jail. The serious advice would be not to run but face up to your problem, you seem to have a drink problem because this is your 4th offence for the same thing. Get some help with the drink issue before you go to court, so at least the judge can see that you are making an effort. I am not sure if this will help you but you never know it may help.

Try and think about your actions before you decide to run.

Good Luck

Not to mention the fact that when you offer your passport at the airport, it could easily flag your record. Then you're in even bigger trouble for trying to flee the country.

No one wants to go to jail but you're in danger of completely screwing up your life by refusing to face it.
Like the that time old saying

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!

Eventually everyone has to face up to what they have done wrong, without trying to be judgemental here. It is better to get this behind you, so at least you have a fresh start.

Good luck in what you decide.

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