Can I file harassment charges

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New Member
My ex husband's girlfriend has said bad things to them about me, that she wants to kill me, tell them to wait to be bad till they get here. I will ask her to not text my phone, and to leave me alone until Steve is present and she will keep texting. Then She will start calling me stupid, idiot, b* tch, etcetera. She will tell my kids things are none of my business. I am tired of her talking to me this way and their dad does not stop it. I am wanting to file harassment and on my own if I can.
My ex husband's girlfriend has said bad things to them about me, that she wants to kill me, tell them to wait to be bad till they get here. I will ask her to not text my phone, and to leave me alone until Steve is present and she will keep texting. Then She will start calling me stupid, idiot, b* tch, etcetera. She will tell my kids things are none of my business. I am tired of her talking to me this way and their dad does not stop it. I am wanting to file harassment and on my own if I can.

You can sue anyone you want.

You can report anyone you want to the police.

The police decide whether a crime has been committed or if its a civil matter.

But, there is something you are free to do entirely on your own.

You've already DUMPED THE DUMMY that allows the FOUL FINGERED FEMALE to abuse, misuse, and insult you.

In these cases, ignore these creatures is your best bet.

Change your number, or block the foul, fingered beat.

Otherwise, no one, including the police cares because she is undermining you.

Instruct your children to be polite, but not to carry nasty stories the creature is telling them.

They might simply say, |Please don't talk bad stuff about our daddy or our mommy. It makes me sad, Miss WHATEVERHERNAMEIS, and I cry inside!".

Come on, who's going to hurt a kid?

But, so what if she won't stop? Its not about you, its about making your kids happy.

All parents take many shots to protect their kids.

Use it liberally, as no one is the boss of you, but YOU!
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And Jamie, I think you should stop going from forum to forum re-opening dead threads and posting your opinion of what you think US law should be. Since you are not in the US and since your feelings on how the law ought to work are irrelevant to how it does work, it's pointless.
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