Can I File for Annulment?

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How do I begin this..? I was married on October 8, 2005 and our ages were 20 and 23 respectively. Here are our stats...

- I was a college (still am) student at the time. He was in the Marine Corps. at Camp Pendleton.
- We dated for 3 months, and pressured with the prospect that he might be sent to Iraq the third time, we married in court.
- We assumed that the legal marriage would only be a precursor to a religious wedding (as of now I do not consider myself married within the Catholic church)...our Pre-Cana priest can vouch for this.
- We told neither friends or family about our plans to marry in legality as again, we assumed that we would marry religiously later.

I suppose we could file on grounds of mental health?

- He was discharged from the military on January 21st, I started to notice the problems then after.
- I do not know of his prior work situation but I do know that he is very anti-social. He avoids conversation and crowds and prefers to be alone.
- He has voluntarily separated from me, physically, at the beginning of April. He moved out closer to his workplace, as before he had been commuting from Camp Pendleton to Riverside.
- He told me that he enjoyed being alone, and would like a divorce on grounds that he did not a relationship and felt inadequate as well as mentally and emotionally incapable of it.

I was referred to try for an annulment because of all of these facts. I'd like to know, in CA, if this is possible. I do not know if he had been properly debriefed for any post-traumatic-stress-syndrome, as I only knew he had served two tours in Iraq. I don't know the specifics of his time in the military (he preferred not to talk about it) even if it only concerns his co-workers.

However, the fact that we were married only 3 months after we well as kept the marriage secret to our friends and family...(several of our relatives know now because I had confessed it to them when it was clear he did not want to work out this relationship) is it possible for an annulment?
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There are no facts in your post which would constitute grounds for annulment.

File for a divorce; it's easier and cheaper and faster.
Probably easier and simpler just to get a divorce and you can get an annulment through your religious organization after you are legally divorced.
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