Can I be sued?

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New Member
I recently found out 2 people were having an extra-marital affair. I sent some of those incriminating emails to the husband of the woman involved.
Now the guy involved in the affair is threatening to take civil action against me...can he really do that?
What are my rights? An urgent reply will be appreciated.
I recently found out 2 people were having an extra-marital affair. I sent some of those incriminating emails to the husband of the woman involved.
Now the guy involved in the affair is threatening to take civil action against me...can he really do that?
What are my rights? An urgent reply will be appreciated.

How did you get hold of the emails? If they were given to you and are legitimate, I'm not sure what cause of action this man has against you. You'll need to provide us with more details but on the surface I'm not confident that there is any cause of action against you if you didn't do anything illegal and just forwarded what may have been given to you.
While it is not "illegal" to have an affair w/ another's is immoral but I must ask why someone would knowingly become involved in this matter as this person did. What is your relationship to these people, how is their affair any of your business and did you act with malice? Such knowledge could have serious repercussions...what if the husband shot the other man? Today litigation is viewed as the new retirement plan by those unfamiliar with the process and anyone can sue anyone for any reason. Defense becomes expensive quickly! Since the cheaters were not engaged in anything seems to me that the cheaters could sue for emotional distress caused by this person's actions...but the facts are few and the story pretty vague.
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