Can a group of on strike picketing strikers cross the picket line& sign new rep cards

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: WA.

My jurisdiction is: WA, USA

My jurisdiction is: Washington, USA

My jurisdiction is: Washington

Currently the nlrb has ruled that our strike is an UFL strike. Most of the picket crossers are low seniority or new hires (called by the company permanant Replacement workers). NLRB says we get our jobs back with our seniority. Can or what if, The senior striking employees cross the picket line bump all of the current workers out of their jobs and then resign union organization cards. Current contract is well over a year old. No negotiations are in progress. What would be the fallout from both company and union?

The workers would be by-passing the Company and the Union but returning to the Union for representation. Can this be done?
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