CA license renewal rejected

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New Member
I am from Canada, I am married to a US citizen but have not/ can not apply for legal status at this time. Since I have been here for over 7 years I do not have anything like a legal presence document which I need for a SSN#.

I got my DL here in 2000, before Sept. 11th and all the craziness about immigrants etc. This year I didn't get a renewal notice in the mail from CA DMV, I noticed my DL expired that day. I went into the dmv the following morning and was told I needed to re-apply and write a test which I passed, then while completing the paperwork I was asked for my birth certificate then a SSN# which I previously needed but was waived if I had a letter from Social Security Administration saying I wasn't entitled to a SSN#.

I went to Social Security and waited inline for 3 hours to get another letter saying I wasn't entitled to a SSN and since I didn't have a legal presence document (which the manager at the DMV was unable to tell me what exactly a "legal presence document" was) they were unable to accept a SSN# application from me. After getting all this the DMV manager informed me the new laws required a SSN# for any drivers license and without one there was nothing more they could do. I asked why this wasn't explained to me when I was asked to pay the $25 fee, then she pulled out an application showing me the phrase no refunds for application fees(this is the 2nd time they have done this same thing to me) .

#1: I was licensed until the previous day so why did I need to re-apply?
#2: Is there anyway to get my DL re-newal without a SSN#?
#3: Could not having a valid license and having an accident invalidate my insurance (making me totally finacially responsible for all damages caused in an accident)?
#3: Could not having a valid license and having an accident invalidate my insurance (making me totally finacially responsible for all damages caused in an accident)?

Absolutely. It would depend on how far they check. You will have a big problem if you are stopped without a license since they will tow your vehicle and issue you a hefty fine. Depending on the curcumstances you could also spend some time in jail. Make other arrangements for transportation.
From what you are saying I get that you are illegally in this country. Why should you then be able to get any governmental services? You should rather see that you obtain legal status which might be much more difficult now since you have already been breaking the law.
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