Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Busted with some pot

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To clear things up, I am a illegal immigrant, who came here legally. Few days ago I was driving down a road trying to meet this person who owed me 10$. He told me to go down the road and I will see, so I drove down the road turned around and pulled over into a Auto Center parking lot to make a phone call. I see a police car pull out just a little bit and sit there. Not worried, I hung up my phone and pull out into the road and started driving, the police officer pulls out and flashes his lights, I pull into a near by park, he comes up and asks me for my drivers license...ect. I told him honest to god I don't have a DL. He tells me to get out of car, and asks me if I have anything in the car or on me that he should know, seeing other cop cars and some undercover cops come towards my car I confess to him without lying that I have four bags of weed on me, I give me the bags, they asked me to sign the paper to search my car, telling I can tell them to stop whenever I want, knowing I didn't have anymore weed I agreed. Since I was honest with the cops, they did not tow my car, they left in a parking lot, brought me to the local police station and wrote out a report. They gave me three tickets, which I don't blame them. Tickets were; Unlicensed Driver, CD's in the vehicle, and Reckless Driving ( I do not know why I got a reckless driving, because I did not speed, nor did anything to get stopped) I got two charges, possession of weed and paraphernalia, because I had a scale on me. I got a court date on 29th of this month. The amount of weed I had was less then 3g. I don't recall the police officer telling me why he pulled me over, and I was never read my rights. This is my first time ever busted with weed, I am 19 years old and I live in NJ. In my mind I think I should just plea guilty to all charges? I cannot afford a lawyer, so I will be asking for a public defender. What should I do? Yes, I do know having bud on you is illegal, it was clearly my choice and I am willing to face the consequences, its life and stuff happens. Please help!

Thank you
The police did nothing incorrect by their traffic stop or pursuant to your arrest.

You say you are an illegal alien.

Were you fingerprinted?
Homeland Security will be notified.
They have your fingerprints from your LEGAL entry.

Yes, you need a lawyer and some luck.
They didn't need to read you your rights.
They had your admission.

Maybe you want to leave our country and return to your own?
You are a guest, albeit an illegal guest.

The story about seeking out your friend to collect a debt won't wash.
Not when you're carrying drugs and a scale.
Dude, you were selling drugs in a drug area the police had under surveillance.
The jig is up, dude.
You also broke the main rule of CGT's (that would be me) things NOT to do when stopped by the police.
You talked to them!!!

You need that public defender.
Do nothing, say nothing else UNTIL you've spoken to that lawyer.

For God's sake, stop dealing drugs.
I did not make up a story about my friend. He really did ow me 10$ and I was trying to get it back. I told the officer to check my phone book because it is registered in it. Aslo the officer didn't say why he pulled me over to begin with, I did not do anything while driving. So I guess pleaing guilty is the road eh?
I did not make up a story about my friend. He really did ow me 10$ and I was trying to get it back. I told the officer to check my phone book because it is registered in it. Aslo the officer didn't say why he pulled me over to begin with, I did not do anything while driving. So I guess pleaing guilty is the road eh?

No, I'd plead not guilty and ask for a court appointed lawyer.

The state has a weak case.

Under our laws, you aren't required to prove your innocence.

The state has to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Plead not guilty and ask for a jury trial and a court appointed lawyer.

Make no more statements about this to anyone, except to your soon to be court appointed attorney.
thank you army judge for you comments. Truth is it's not my fault i am illegal, my parents brought me here, i couldn't do anything, if u were in my shoes in a different country you would want a lawyer to.
He is exactly right. It doesn't matter if he is legal or not, when facing jail time he deserves an attorney until proven guilty. The kid smokes pot but he has a decent head on his shoulders. He isn't whining, he isn't blaming anyone else, and he is taking responsibility for his actions. I don't believe in illegals getting welfare, and other government services, but court appointed attorneys are a must if you want to prosecute them.

Good luck man, follow Army's advice to the letter and you will be ok. It is possible, but not likely that you will be deported. I hope you have family or friends where you come from in case they do deport you. Let us know what happens.
He doesn't just smoke pot, he sells it.

I would like you to quote a line from my story in which I said I smoke. Automatically accusing me of smoking because I got busted with some, without even quoting or giving facts you are assuming things. This is how people get fucked over sometimes. Excuse me for my language here by the way.
I would like you to quote a line from my story in which I said I smoke. Automatically accusing me of smoking because I got busted with some, without even quoting or giving facts you are assuming things. This is how people get fucked over sometimes. Excuse me for my language here by the way.

Please, you aren't helping yourself.

You have just illustrated why criminal defendants should never say anything, without the advice of counsel.

If the FOUR bags of POT that the police found in the car you were driving (admittedly without a license), do you think the admission above helps or hurts your case?

Dude, please, stop talking, just stop talking.

You just dug a deeper hole for yourself, if you say that nonsense in court.

Criminal defendants make prosecutors and police officers look very smart.

Some of you guys scurry right into their traps.

They say the things they do, just to get you to talk.

Once some of you folks start talking, its like verbal diarrhea.

Its very messy and smelly.

What do members of organized crime families and gang members do, besides engaging in organized criminal endeavors?

They never, ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances talk to the police.

There is a big difference between convicted felons and convicts.

Just speak with any corrections officer, they'll verify my rant.
I would like you to quote a line from my story in which I said I smoke. Automatically accusing me of smoking because I got busted with some, without even quoting or giving facts you are assuming things. This is how people get fucked over sometimes. Excuse me for my language here by the way.

Ok... my mistake. You sell the pot.
Army judge has the right stuff: WHY do you keep admitting to things you should not. If you're going to get a court appointed attorney, that's the person to talk to.

Do not, do not, do not talk to cops, period. They want to arrest you. They want their charges to stick. And yes, they will say all kinds of things, friendly things even, to get you to keep talking.

QUIT talking to cops! Talk to your attorney.

And no, you just do not go into an area known for drug sales with four bags of pot and a scale, stop to make a phone call, and then drive on down the road. You're just asking for trouble.

I don't agree with the marijuana criminal laws in this country, either, but we still have to accept them. Selling illegal substances can lead to very serious criminal charges. Which is why I don't do it. Otherwise? I would. Hell, the economy sucks, and I could make some money, but I'm not willing to get myself into criminal trouble.

Talk to your attorney. NEVER talk to cops. Just shut up and let them do their thing.
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