Corporate Law Business struggling finding bylaws...

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We are a new Adult WebcamSite based out of calgary canada.

Our question is it possible to run our corporation in another country to bypass our local bylaws. Or can we have another corporation set-up in anothercoutry and still reside in calgary, canada?

Also, does anyone know where this kinda of business should be set-up from (country and/or province in canada)?

The by laws here are pretty strict, so we need to find another location.

Without knowing what the bylaws are and how they affect your business, it's impossible to say. But if your problem is local bylaws, that's a municipal issue. You can solve it by moving to another city with different bylaws - you might not need to move to a different country.
We realize this but, we are wondering if can have another corporation placed in a different city and still reside here in calgary?

We do know what the by-laws here in calgary, but we just cant do it here due to laws against penatration.

We also know that new zealand has no laws for this, what about other cities in alberta? off hand do you know of any such places?

See we have a serious investor, but untill we have more info and shareholders agreement regarding every detail we will not be funded to complete the business.
We realize this but, we are wondering if can have another corporation placed in a different city and still reside here in calgary?

I really don't know what you're asking. You can incorporate with your head office in Calgary and do business in other places, if that's what you mean.
We do know what the by-laws here in calgary, but we just cant do it here due to laws against penatration.

I presume you mean Calgary has bylaws against filming penetration for commercial purposes or something like that, not against penetration itself. I used to live in Calgary, and I try to be a law-abiding citizen. :D

In any case, I don't believe it. Refer me to this bylaw.
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