Breach of contract


Erick Dimaleo

New York
I needed 2 month to finish my lease agreement of 3 years with Acura when i received a call stating that if i return the vehicle and lease a new vehicle they would wave my remaining two payments and i wouldn't have to pay for any damages or exceeding millage. Therefore i return the vehicle and lease a new one but the dealership made many mistakes in the transaction and i was still being billed for my previous vehicle and the damages and exceeding millages. After going back and forth for many month trying to solve this problem I got the dealership to give me back my money but not in full they are still owing me 1 payment for my previous vehicle of $492 and charging me $390 for exceeding millages that they said they would cover, which is now affecting my credit score. The sales guy said he made a big mistake but that he spoke with the Financial department and they cannot do anything about it even after he explain that it was his fault i was being charged. I now want to return the vehicle without affecting my credit i have the vehicle for 4 month now and because of his mistakes i am not satisfied at all and want to go somewhere else. Can You please help me with my problem. Thank You
I needed 2 month to finish my lease agreement of 3 years with Acura when i received a call stating that if i return the vehicle and lease a new vehicle they would wave my remaining two payments and i wouldn't have to pay for any damages or exceeding millage. Therefore i return the vehicle and lease a new one but the dealership made many mistakes in the transaction and i was still being billed for my previous vehicle and the damages and exceeding millages. After going back and forth for many month trying to solve this problem I got the dealership to give me back my money but not in full they are still owing me 1 payment for my previous vehicle of $492 and charging me $390 for exceeding millages that they said they would cover, which is now affecting my credit score. The sales guy said he made a big mistake but that he spoke with the Financial department and they cannot do anything about it even after he explain that it was his fault i was being charged. I now want to return the vehicle without affecting my credit i have the vehicle for 4 month now and because of his mistakes i am not satisfied at all and want to go somewhere else. Can You please help me with my problem. Thank You

Read the mountain of documents you signed.
Somewhere within all of that data you'll find you're locked into this deal for XXX number of months or years.
You need to find somewhere in your documents the written guarantee that the last two payments and the penalties would be waived.
If you find those assurances in writing and still can't resolve this with the dealer then seek resolution through the court.
If you can't find it in writing it may be time to let go of this and move on. Next time take your business somewhere else.
If it's their fault, your best bet is to send them a demand letter containing the conditions you wish, e.g. return of your payments, remuneration, etc. A thought - you may be locked into a deal with Acura but you may be able to get some relief from the dealership as a result of their mistake.