breach of confidentiality

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New Member
am a team leader in a call centre environment. I was told by a colleague that he had spoken to our operations manager who had confirmed we would be entering a 90day administration period within the next few weeks. It has been common knowledge across my area that we would be facing this action. staff have been stressed and concerned about their jobs for sometime. We feel the business has let us down by not communicating with us more efficiently.I sent a text message to my staff confirming what i had heard, encouraging them to look elsewhere for work. two days after i sent the message the business released an official brief which was along the lines of what I had already discussed. The text message was shown to my general manager who has suspended me under the reasons of breach of confidentiality and bringing the company into disrepute. I know these fall under the heading of gross misconduct. I am now scared I may lose my job over this and need to know where i stand.
I don't know what you want us to tell you. If you are fired over this, it will be legal. It is questionable whether or not you will qualify for unemployment. Obviously we cannot predict the future to say whether or not you will be fired or what action the state will take on a UI claim.
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