Assault & Battery boyfriend wrongfully accused of domestic violence

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It's kind of a long story, but I'll do my best to describe it.
My boyfriend is out on bail for a felony theft charge as of right now. This past weekend we had an argument. Also the same night I was involved in a wreck. My boyfriend was not in the car with me nor anywhere around. He wasn't even aware I was in an accident until later that night, seeing as I had left my phone at his house earlier that day. When I wrecked, I blew out my tire and knocked off a side mirror. I also had put my glasses on and when I hit my head on my steering wheel it broke my glasses (which are metal not plastic) and scratched up my face a bit and gave me a small black eye. I also had a knot on my forehead above the same eye from hitting it. I am 23 in school and am currently living with my dad. He saw the car the next morning and woke me up and then saw my face, which I had not even looked at yet. He already hates my boyfriend, because he knows about his pending felony charges. He automatically assumed my boyfriend was the one driving my car and that he beat me up. He called the cops and tried to have them talk to me. I of course said my boyfriend didn't hit my and that he wasn't even driving the car. That he wasn't anywhere around. However the cop, my dad, and a friend of my dads are all saying that my boyfriend did it and beat me up. No pictures where taken. Nothing happened. My dad and I got in an argument and I left. Well today my boyfriend was arrested. They are trying to revoke his bond from his felony under allegations of domestic violence that my father (who is an ex-cop) made. However, it never happened, and he does not deserve to be in jail for something he did not do. What can I do? Is there anything? How can I make this go away or at least make it better? Please help me with some advice.
If that's your story, stick to it.

But, ask yourself, is this worth destroying your relationship with your family?

If it is, stick to your story.

If it isn't, rethink what you should be saying.

Just tell the truth.

The truth isn't complicated.

Lies are always complex, and most people know lies when they hear them.

By the way, domestic batterers rarely stop battering their victims.

They are bullies of the lowest order.
It honestly is the truth. He did not hit me. And as a parent, I can see how that was my father's first reaction. I really can. But I know it didn't happen. And I do not feel he, nor anyone else, should be in jail for something they did not do. Especially when it could keep him in jail for a very long time because of his pending felony, which he will be going to trail for in a few months. He was on the verge of getting Pre-trail, or whatever it's called, or probation for it. But with this, I'm scared all plea bargains, will be taken off the table. And that's just not right. Or fair. Is there anything I can do? I know my story, or better said, what really happened, and that's not going to change. But is this going to mess up anything for his previous charges? Or is there a way to keep them from revoking his bond? He already lost his job, because the cops where standing there waiting for him when he arrived this morning. But why is this happening in the first place? I'm 23 years old. Not 18 or under. How is my father even able to accuse him of it and try to have his bond revoked? If something really would have happened, wouldn't it be me that had to do something about it? I don't fully understand the situation or why what is happening is happening. I just want to do the right thing and fix it.
You can't fix it.

I suggest you speak with his attorney.

You might also try getting an audience with the DA or prosecutor, whichever applies in your area.

The state is the victim.

Be careful, the state and/police may have information you don't know about.

You don't wanna get slammed with an obstruction or interfering or lying to police or even perjury charge!
He wasn't arrested for nothing. Something was said, or some evidence was seen, that gave the police probable cause to make an arrest. If they did not have good cause then there would be no pending charge.... or perhaps it is too soon and the case has not been reviewed just yet. If the attorneys review it and find no evidence then it will all go away.
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