Boyfriend defaulted under our agreement, left the state, and is not coming back!!!

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New Member
I bought a car for a guy that I had been dating for $2200 and he already owed me $1050 so $3250 total. He did sign a contract stating the repayment agreement for $300/month for 11 months. 2 days after he signed this agreement and we had purchased the car, we found out that car had an oil leak so he parked the car at his mothers. He had plans to leave to go to Michigan the following day, which is his home state, for a memorial service for a family member. He didnt drive the car because of the oil leak. He was suppose to return in a week. Well a week went by, then 2, and now 3. I hear now he is not coming back at all. He never sent me any money while he's been up there as he promised he would do when he got his unemployment check. He wont even talk about it when I bring up money, so I figure he's just walking out on his responsibility and has no intention of paying me back. I went and picked up the car from his mothers and it is in my possession (the title & insurance are in my name). He never paid a dime toward any money he owed me. He has left me with a car that isn't worth much because I will never get what I paid for it with a rear main seal leak. I filed a small claim suit against him and provided his mailing address which is here in Ga. I have been informed now that he has no intention of coming back to Ga though. He is one that runs from his responsibilty obviously. I don't know if he has changed his address back to Michigan yet or not. What happens if they cant get him served her in Ga? How do I need to proceed from this point? How do I go about filing in another state if need be, and if his address is still in Ga do I even need to go that route? Need some advice please!!
If he can't be served in Georgia, you won't be able to sue him.

You'll have to catch him in Michigan, if you can. But, the amount of your suit is too small to spend money going after him in Michigan. Even if you caught him, he's broke. He couldn't pay you.

You'd probably win a small claims suit against him. But, you'd never collect a dime on your judgment.

Prevailing in small claims doesn't mean you get your money. You get a piece of paper that says, "A owes B".

Collecting small claims awards is nearly impossible. In your case, serving this deadbeat is, too!
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