Assault & Battery Boyfriend and I had a verbal argument, and now he's in jail for Aggravated Assault...

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Well it all started in June of this year. My boyfriend and I were working at the same company. Well we got into a agrument outside the company one evening, because he was caught in a lie. He has a record when he was younger, and was currently on parole.
Well we fused, and he pulled a knife and cut my purse, (payback for cutting up his property a previous day). I was mixed with emotion and called the police. Now he has been in jail, and they have charged him with aggravated Assualt(the same he was charged in his pass). There talking about giving him 8 years for the rest of his parole term, but I was wondering what is it that I can do to get him off. I dont want him to go away that long when we have already squashed the whole situation.

PLEASE HELP ASAP...All of this was a huge mistake, and blown out because I was pissed off at him.
Talk to the state persecutor.

This is out of your hands.
Well we fused, and he pulled a knife and cut my purse, (payback for cutting up his property a previous day).

That is NOT a verbal argument. The aggravated assault charge is appropriate here, and with priors for the same he certainly should have known better.
He is not in jail because you got pissed at him- he is in jail because he produced a knife. Remove the knife from this scenario and he wouldn't likely be locked up. It is his fault, and his alone.
Even without your cooperation on the fresh charge he could be sent back on a parole violation. Don't blame yourself for his poor decisions.
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