Bounced check (NSF)

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My father works as a freelance videographer in South Florida. For several years he has been working on assignments for a local 'video production' business--videotaping seasonal college sporting events--receiving a 'flat rate' per each assignment. In October 2007 he completed work on his video assignments and submitted time sheets for reimbursement of $2,200.00. The video production kept promising to send payment but didn't. My father called them, wrote emails (which he still has on file) even went to their office to collect payments ...but each time he was only given empty promises that they will remit payment soon. Since he wanted to stay on good business terms with his contractor/seasonal employer he did not 'push' too aggressively and took their word. Finally in January he received a check by FedEx. Unfortunately the check returned with a 'NSF' note bounced. Once again he continued with emails and phone calls to his employer, but this time all his attempts have been ignored, and their office was closed--although not out of business as it seemed.

QUESTION: What are our legal rights in terms of getting the outstanding $2,200.00? Since the amount is hefty, can we pursue it in small claims court in Florida? What would be my father's next steps? Should he attempt to contact his employer once again??? Thank you in advance!
I am by no means a legal professional but, Your father will have to send them a certified letter informing them of the check being returned and give them a state specified amout of time to pick up the check. Keep the receipt and the certified mail stub. If the letter is returned or they do not respond within the state specified number of days , take the check the letter or certified mail stub to your local police department. They will issue a warrant for the writer of the check.

I go through this on a regular basis with Florida and Alabama checks. It doesn't cost much only the price of the certified letter.
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