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New Member
About 2 years ago my wife worked as a Kennel manager at a dog kennel in our town. The owner's wife apparently didn't like her because she kept harrasing her and accusing her of trying to seduce her husband, which she was not. After about six months she couldn't take it anymore and she quit to pursue another career. For about the past 6 months she's been trying to get back into the dog care industry with no luck. Places would just say they weren't hiring even though they had an ad that said they were. Well today this happened except that the woman at the kennel said she was a list of unhirable people. The owner's wife from the first kennel apparantely had called them along with every other place in our area and told them that she had an inappropriate relationship with her boss, and beat animals. Which are both totally not true. This is stopping her from getting employment in the only field she really likes or has any experience. Is there anything we can do?
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