best way to handle the situation?

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New Member
My husband and I are in a very difficult situation at work (we work together). A lady we work with has been spready very large, ludicrious lies about my husband for the past year or so. She will tell anyone who will listen, including new hires that she is training. The owner of the company is aware of the stituation but chooses to not do anything about it because she recently married a man that also works with us who they love like a son.
She has told me directly, early in our dating, that he is a horrible person and she almost had to file a restraining order against him and that was, at one time, stalking her. There are three other people, that I know of, that she has told this to. One of which has only been here for 2 months. These claims of course are absolutley untrue and so far I have not come across one person who believes it. My husband is not only a coworker but as of a couple months ago he was asked, along with her husband and another gentleman, to take part in purchasing shares to eventually own the company. The owners have had numerous opportunities to take action and have chosen not to. This of course has made our lives a living hell and everyone in the office walks on egg shells around this lady. Any advise would greatly appreciated.
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