best way to do a prayer for judgment in NC

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New Member
last month i was pulled over by an unmarked state trooper on my way to work doing 80 in a 65 on I-77. i was wondering if any one knows what is the best way to do a prayer for judgement in Mecklenberg county. I have a court date tuesday. do i call the da, ada, show up at the da office, or just show up at court.
rsm1a594 said:
last month i was pulled over by an unmarked state trooper on my way to work doing 80 in a 65 on I-77. i was wondering if any one knows what is the best way to do a prayer for judgement in Mecklenberg county. I have a court date tuesday. do i call the da, ada, show up at the da office, or just show up at court.

I believe that you enter such a plea when you are in court.
Help Me Confused

In 2001 I Was Caught With Some Items That Had Not Been Rung Up Properly(the Cashier Was My Aunt) At Walmart. So I Went To Court And I Recieved A P.j.c. I Don't Know If That Is A Prayer For Justice, Since It Seems That It Is Only For Speeding Tickets. But I Took A Guilty Plea For Misdemeanor Larceny. I Didn't Even See The Judge, My Lawyer Spoke To Him During Recess. This Is My First Problem With The Law And Now I Don't Know What I Should Be Answering On Employment Applications. Because I Specifically Remember My Lawyer Telling My Parents And My Self That I Would Not Have To Answer Yes To Conviction Questions And That In Fact The Pjc Was A "non-conviction" And That I Could Have My Record Expunged. So Now That I Lost My Job Over This(since I Checked No, They Feel I Lied On My Application) And I Am Looking For A New One What Do I Do?? Thank You To Anyone Who May Be Able To Answer This Question.
Not a laywer, but I'm pretty sure you can PJC any misdemeanor.

Anyway, call the DA in the county to find out if you need a copy of your driving record or anything else. You go to court, plead guilty (in the case of speeding, usually to a lesser speed.) Just before being sentenced the judge asks if you have anything to say before being sentenced. You then ask for the PJC. He/she gives it, or not. You won't know before you plead guilty, so there is some risk.
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